Annual Awards for 2021

Congratulations to all our winners of the 2021 Annual Award who were presented with their awards following the successful Sponsored Swim at the Dolphin Pool. Continue doing what you do – you make RLSS Poole Lifeguard proud to have you in our club – well done! Only a selection of awards are given out each […]

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Club Sponsored Swim

Thur 10th Feb 22 @ 7pm As many of you know every year we organize an annual sponsored swim, unfortunately due to Covid this has been unable to happen in 2020 and 2021. This year’s event is in memory of a very important member of the club Malcolm Acreman who sadly passed away in 2019. […]

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2022 Annual Membership and Monthly Swim Fees

It is that time of year when membership fees are due for the next year, in this case 2022. Our membership years is from 1st Jan to 31st Dec, and as such we ask you to visit the club website at the link below and complete your membership renewal before the end of January 2022. […]

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Super Gran Janet will be missed

It is with great sadness that we find ourselves writing about the passing of Janet Taylor. Janet had such an impact on all within the PBCLSA and if we could siphon off some of her energy and enthusiasm we would all be the better for it. Janet was primarily a member of of RLSS Boscombe […]

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