RLSS Poole Lifeguard was invited to the North Haven yacht club’s 50th Anniversary celebration weekend on the 21st and the 22nd of February 2015.
RLSS Poole had our own publicity stand, where we were able to promote the club alongside other organisations such as the RNLI, Coastguard and the MVS.
During this weekend the club was also asked to provide CPR demos for those that were attending on the Sunday of the event, we were able to demonstrate to the public giving them an insight into Adult, Child and Infant CPR, which went down very well with the crowd and even included some crowd participation.
We also had a lot of interest shown by people visiting the display during the weekend one being the Mayor of Poole.
Special thanks go to Tim Harris, Lyndon Bye, Scott Bye, Simon Moore, Lara Moore, Julie Larner, James Marsh, Brian Pemberton and Annastacia Mulheran who all gave up there time to help promote our club over the weekend.
Some phots taken over the weekend can be seen below;
Click on the photos to view larger versions.