Membership Form

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Are you joining for the first time or are you renewing your club membership? i.e. have you been a registered member of RLSS Poole Lifeguard in the past?
This is the Membership Number shown on your renewal slip. If you do not know your Membership Number then send an email to requesting it. If you are joining for the first time then select "New Membership"
Select the year that you are applying for club membership - Membership year is 1st Jan to 31st Dec
Those under 18years of age on 1st Jan are Juniors for that year.
Those under 18 yrs of age on 1st Jan are Juniors for that year. A separate Membership Form MUST be completed for each family member
Those under 18years of age on 1st Jan are Juniors for that year.
Those under 18years of age on 1st Jan are Juniors for that year.
List the name of the applicant who has paid the "Family Memership" fee.
List the names of your familly members to be included in the "Family Memership" fee. Remember to complete a membership form for each family member.

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Anybody joining our club for the first time is entitled to a free RLSS Poole Lifeguard Club T-shirt. Therefore please select the 'Style of Tshirt' followed by the 'Size' you would like.


Name of person joining the club
Address of club member
Members Email Address
Members Mobile Number
Age on the 1st January for the year that you are paying your membership fee.
Do you have you any medical ailments that we as a club should be aware of?
If your answer is \'YES\' please enter details of your ailments (Confidentiality will prevail) Please also note: that it is your responsibility, to update RLSS Poole Lifeguard of any ailments should your circumstances change during the year!
Do you agree to update RLSS Poole Lifeguard, should your circumstances change, during the membership year!

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1) I the undersigned apply for membership of RLSS Poole Lifeguard 2) I agree to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the Club (copies may be obtained from the Hon Secretary on request). 3) I understand that the Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of all its members, particularly children, and that all member are expected to show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of others, and conduct themselves in a way which reflects the principles of the Royal Life Saving Society UK. 4) The Club expects members, instructors and trainers and parents to deal with each other with respect.  Parents/Guardians agree to remind their children that disrespectful behaviour toward our volunteer instructors and officers is not acceptable and may result in their child being removed from a training session or being asked to leave the club. 5) I also understand that my membership is renewable on an annual basis, and that it will be due, during the month of December, for the following calendar year.
Please enter what you do not agree with, and we will get in contact with you and discuss whether we can continue to process your application for club membership.
Be assured that confidentiality will prevail.
Please note: that if you select "No I don't Agree" and do not enter the reasons in this field, your membership application will not be processed.


On occasions we take photographs of our club members and their activities / achievements for use as publicity/promotions for the club and it’s aims. Do you give permission for photographs that may contain images of you, or your child, to be used for such purposes, eg on our club noticeboard, website, social media and or press to promote the clubs activities.


6) Applicants are advised that under regulations made under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, you should declare all relevant matters including \'spent convictions\'. This however does not include speeding, careless driving, depositing of litter or other matters which might reasonably be regarded as minor. If in doubt, please speak in confidence to the Chairman/Hon Secretary before answering this question. This information is required because as a trainee Lifesaver/Lifeguard you will be working with children and young people).
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or been the subject of a caution or a bind-over order?
You agree to update RLSS Poole Lifeguard, should this change, during the membership year!
Please state the nature and dates of the offence(s).


If you are a UK Tax Payer, as a Charity , RLSS Poole Lifeguard is eligible to recover 25p for every £1 donated via donations or club membership from the HMRC as a ‘top up’ to your donation /membership fee.
Are you, as either the paying Member above 18yrs of age or the Parent / Guardian making payment, a registered tax payer ?
I confirm that all donations / membership payments I make to RLSS Poole Lifeguard from this date until further notice should be treated as Gift Aid donations and I would like RLSS Poole Lifeguard to reclaim the Gift Aid on my donations / membership fee.


  1. As part of your membership application, your details will be added to the Club database. These details are used solely for club purposes and are not given out to third parties.
  2. Your details are used to communicate the occasional club notice and or club E-Newsletter to you. On receipt of the E-Newsletter you will have the option to unsubscribe from it should you so wish.
  3. We will also use SMS messaging and social media apps as tools to communicate  information to and from members and Parents/guardians about the day to day running of the club


By signing the Member Signature Field below, you declare that the information that you are about to submit in this online form is correct and true and consent to Poole Lifeguard Club processing my data in accordance with currently accepted GDPR protocols. RLSS Poole Lifeguard Club complies fully with the requirements placed on us by UK GDPR, the Data Protection Act and RLSS UK Qualifications in relation to the handling, storage and sharing of data. Details of how the club comply with the current UK GDPR regulations can be found at
Name of Parent or Guardian if applicant is under 18 years old.
Parent or Guardian Email if applicant is under 18 years old.
Parent or Guardian Mobile No. if applicant is under 18 years old.
Member Signature or Parent / Guardian Signature if applicant is under 18.
todays date


  1. Many thanks for taking the time to complete this form.
  2. NOW Press the SUBMIT button ONCE and then wait for the PayPal screen to appear to enable you to make payment and complete your membership application.
  3. NOTE: If the PayPal screen does not appear after you have clicked Submit, follow the link below to make a manual payment. Go to MANUAL PAYMENT METHOD
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 29