After a lot of hard work by our members over the last few months, we finally came to the end of our existing Rookie plus Survive and Save Training programme. It was delayed by one month due to circumstances outside of our control but allowing for that, our schedule was completed by end of Jan 2023 which was great news. This paves the way for the club to now switch to the brand new RLSS-UK National Lifesaving Academy Awards structure. (more to follow)
A number of our members also completed The Platinum Jubilee Medallion, an award specific for 2022 which was the Platinum Jubilee of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, and is in recognition of a similar Life Saving Medallion that the late Queen achieved in 1941. This is a very special award and one which will never be taken again so, the members who achieved this have something to hold onto and treasure for the rest of their lives. We did manage to get everyone together, and were therefore able to present these lovely medallions to the following people and at the same time take a group photo:
- Sidney Sullivan, Aimee Ball, Dylan Hall, Archie Snook, Riley Hayes, James McGregor, Lewis Percival, Samuel Travers, Isla McGregor, Lola Pilley, Emma Heckford, Emily Kenway and Ellen Shakles who not only completed the Platinum Jubilee Medallion but also completed their Rookie Gold 3 Certificates in December 2022.
- Other members who also gained the award were Sarlett-Lily Williams, Brodie Wyatt, Ryan Hoyle, Toby Ford, Kieran Bachman, Luca Owen-DiNoto and Oliver Heckford.
- Club Trainer Mark Shakles also jumped in and completed the award just to show that it not just for youngsters.
We were also very fortunate to have Jill Bailey (RLSS- UK Ambassador to the South Region) on poolside and able to do the honours of saying a few words and presenting the medallions to these awesome members. A moment that our club can be extremely proud of each and every one of these members – well done to you all 🙂