The Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place as advertised by the club each year.
According to the constitution each member of the Executive Committee (apart from the Hon. Treasurer and the President) must stand down from their role at the end of each year, and if they so wish, they can offer themselves for re-election to the post by filling in a nomination form.
The positions of Hon Treasurer and President are Committee appointed and will be ratified at the AGM.
This means that the following 11 Executive member positions will be available for anyone who would like to take on the challenge and help the club in an executive role.
Chairman Vice Chairman Hon Secretary Membership Officer Public Relations Officer Fund Raising Officer | Club Captain Pool Training Officer Open Water Training Officer Competitions Officer Equipment Officer |
The club cannot operate successfully without the roles being filled as this puts too much work on the few who do offer themselves to assist. We would welcome and encourage anyone who can offer even just a little, because a little is far more than nothing.
The Executive role descriptions and the Club Constitution can be found at:
The Executive Committee will accept nominations through the clubs website by the due date, providing the proposer submits this form by 00:01hrs on the day of the AGM, confirming the nomination