NHYC 50th Anniversary Celebration Event

RLSS Poole Lifeguard was invited to the North Haven yacht club’s 50th Anniversary celebration weekend on the 21st and the 22nd of February 2015. RLSS Poole had our own publicity stand, where we were able to promote the club alongside other organisations such as the RNLI, Coastguard and the MVS. During this weekend the club […]

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Volunteers Required

For those who are not aware RLSS Poole Lifeguard is not all about the Thusday Night Training Sessions and achieving awards, a huge amount of our club work is all about providing SAFETY COVER  cover at various events throughout the year. We are now using VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEETS on our website, which allows our members to not […]

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Membership Overdue

We are now near the end of February and some people have not renewed their membership, so please do it now so you are covered to swim,thank you. The fees are staying the same (bargain ). Just visit the membership section of this website, then select ‘membership form . Remember to pay  your membership fees first via PayPal and also […]

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Brownsea Swim 2014 Photographs

David Beater Photography has published a blog on their website which includes some lovely examples of his work which capture the magical spirit of this years swim. It is well worth a visit, you can also order prints directly from him should you wish to. David’s own comment was “Thanks very much for having us to photograph your […]

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