Thur 10th Feb 22 @ 7pm

As many of you know every year we organize an annual sponsored swim, unfortunately due to Covid this has been unable to happen in 2020 and 2021.
This year’s event is in memory of a very important member of the club Malcolm Acreman who sadly passed away in 2019. As mentioned we have had to postpone this swim for a couple of year’s but, it is finally taking place on Thursday 10th Feb 22 at 7pm,
This sponsored swim will also followed by our Annual Awards Presentation so all rookies will be invited to stay on for this in the later session: 08:30hrs to 21:00hrs
We will be aiming to raise approx £400 in memory of Malcolm Acreman. Malcolm was our lead Kayaker on most of the events that we provide safety cover for. All the money we manage to raise will used to purchase a new designated lead Kayak in a different colour from the rest of the fleet and named in memory of Malcolm.
Please can we ask as many of our members to take part in this event, even if you didn’t know Malcolm. For all that Malcolm gave to the club over the years it will be very fitting tribute that his lives on within Poole Lifeguards for many years to come.
many thanks